Hello international community...
Från och med nu kommer jag precis som många andra köra engelsk text under den svenska. Blir lite sammanfattningar. Bildtexter kanske bara engelska. Mest för att jag träffat så mycket schysst folk här borta som inte kan svenska (märkligt va? i Thailand kan väl alla svenska trodde jag...). Hur som haver gillar jag inte Google Translator. Så vi kör så här.
Denise är en av dem som vill ha översättning. Hon har dessutom skrivit en bok som hon tagit med till Thailand och kör guerillamarknadsföring på. Läs den: http://dcgallin.blogspot.com/
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------English below
Seeing as I've got quite a few friends who are unable to speak/read swedish (poor bastards, I was under the impression that Thailand was the second kingdom of Sweden...) I'll start doin some translations below my usual posts. I now I could use google translator but it won´t work properly. I mean, it reallt chops up the text and gives totally the wrong feeling... And, its a good way to practise english for me. Mabye in three or four years I'll make translations in english, french and hindi. Thats my dream anyways.
And. Here is some really good shit for ya: http://dcgallin.blogspot.com/
This chick has written a great book, printed it and run off to SOA to sell it. Guerillamarketing- I like! Chris got it for me (my birthday) on Koh Phangan and its a fantastic book. You have to read it if you are into dance, music, art, London and happiness!
Moving on....
Vogue. Entertainment on a monday. Gotta finish 50 pages of studying first...
Finally. Get inspired by this.